A list of medications that should not be given to children!

Any parents take care of their children and want the best for them. They try to help them whenever they have problems. When a child is sick, they try to alleviate the infection in various ways. However, a child's body is arranged differently than an adult's body, so not all medications can be given to a child. What medications should not be given to your child? Check it out!

Medications not suitable for children

When a child gets sick, you should not give him the same medications as an adult. The child's body may react to them in different ways, and then serious and negative side effects may occur. Prescribing medications to a child should always be preceded by a consultation with a doctor who knows which medications should not be given. However, sometimes parents do not always have the opportunity to see a doctor, so it is worth knowing the lists of medications and substances that may be dangerous for a young child.


Codeine is a substance that is a derivative of morphine. It can often be found as an ingredient in cough prevention medications. It also has analgesic properties and reduces fever. Drugs with it in the composition should not be given to children under 12 years of age, since then breathing problems may occur.


Another name for aspirin is acetylsalicylic acid. Doctors believe that it should not be given to children under 12 years of age. This substance negatively affects the stomach and in children can cause complications such as Reye's syndrome or bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract. Aspirin should not be taken by children and people who have problems with the digestive system. Taking it can cause cramps or swelling.


Sedatives are designed to calm a person down and help him fall asleep. Sometimes children also suffer from insomnia and irritability. However, if you give babies such drugs, it can lead to neurological problems. Instead of giving them tranquilizers, it is better to contact a specialist who will determine what causes this behavior in a child, and then prescribe appropriate medications.

Anti-nausea medications

Sometimes children may feel sick after a lot of activity. It is caused by a violation of the function of the vagus, which is responsible for balance and hearing. However, the appointment of antiemetics for children should be discussed with a doctor beforehand so that there are no negative side effects depending on the child's body.


These drugs are usually taken with an allergic reaction. However, their reception by children must be previously agreed with the doctor. Their side effects are frequent insomnia and nausea. Antihistamines are prescribed before a doctor's consultation, so taking them by children can have adverse consequences. 1xBet offers several bonuses for different types of gamblers. Depending on your preference, you can decide which 1xbet promo code today you wish to activate. We'll unpack each of the bonus offers to give you more information on which one suits you best. Every gambler would love the opportunity to place a bet without risking money. 1xBet India understands this, as is evident with this 1xBet promo. If you’re a sports bettor, you can predict the score of a single fixture, either pre-game or live, and if you lose, you'll get your money back if you enter the 1xBet promo code.

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